Fully Equipped Concrete Sawing & Drilling Freehold Business For Sale Adelaide
Price: $120,000 (Goodwill) + $380,000 (Plant & Equipment)
- Retirement Sale – Over 30 years of successful operation.
- Extensive industry experience and intellectual property will be transferred to the new owner.
- Fully equipped with plant & equipment valued at approximately $380,000.
- All plant & equipment included in the sale.
- A trusted major contractor for government projects and private building companies.
- Comprehensive training and handover provided by the vendor.
- Ongoing long-term technical support available via phone.
- Freehold business – The property is also available for purchase if desired.
- Buyer Requirements: Preferably experience in concrete sawing & drilling, ideally a cash buyer, English-speaking, and an owner-operator
Please contact Yiling Tang today to get this opportunity.
Agent Contact Details:
Business Broker: Yiling Tang (Business Broker and Business Valuer)
Company: Investing Australia Business Sales & Valuations
Mobile: 0412 265 932
Email: yiling@investingaustralia.com.au
Wechat: yilingt44
Website: www.investingaustralia.com.au
SA 6 Monthly Awards
South Australia Business Broker of the Year (AIBB)
REISA Awards for Excellence Business Broker Finalist
The Most Difficult Sale Award
AIBB SA State Chairman Award
售价:$120,000(商誉)+ $380,000(设备)
- 丰富的行业经验和知识产权 将转让给新业主。
- 全套设备均包含在出售范围内,设备估值约$380,000。
- 值得信赖的政府项目及私人建筑公司主要承包商。
- 卖方提供全面培训及交接。
- 长期持续的技术支持可通过电话提供。
- 自有物业生意 – 如有需要,物业亦可出售。
- 买家要求:优先考虑有混凝土切割与钻孔经验者,理想情况下为现金买家,会英语,并能亲自经营。
生意经纪人:唐义灵 (生意评估师)
手机:0412 265 932
电子邮箱: yiling@investingaustralia.com.au
微信· yilingt44
南澳洲6个月销售奖(Ray White)
南澳州主席提名杰出贡献奖 (澳大利亚生意经纪协会)